
In Europe!

Entering the European community...

After riding on the Chinese, Kazakhstan's, Kirgizstan's, Russia's and Ukraine's roads for around 10 000km, there was no way that I could ride with this sprocket and chain any longer. 

Old front sprocket. Completely worn out!
So right before I entered Europe, I finally changed it together with the front sprocket (only the front sprocket was done as I did not had the special key to change the rear sprocket as well).

It was a quick job and the bicycle drove again like new. 

I spent my last Ukraine money very well by buying 1 liter of  40% Ukraine "candies" that I will later share when back in Belgium.

The same day, by 6pm I arrived at the border check point.

Entering Europe, Poland

I was ready to give my passport when I heard the lady saying: "Nietu velocipet".

You don't have to speak Ukraine or Russia to understand that there was something not ok. Apparently it was not possible to cross this border with un-motorized vehicles.
I could go 100km north and cross the border there but due to the time of the day and the kilometers already done, I didn't want.

However, luck was on my side when the car right behind me understood what was going on and offered met to put the bicycle in the back of his van.

Not riding the bike and crossing the border....does not feel good!
So, here I was, together with Michael, his girlfriend, mother in law and my bicycle crossing the Ukraine-Polish border, in a car, entering Europe.

It's a pity because this will be the one and only kilometer I will not have done by bicycle.

Entering Europe brought some differences: good roads, nice cars and.....rain, going from light rain showers to heavy thunderstorms..... 
The first little city in Poland, Hrubieszow, I stopped for overnight.

The exams ended and the holidays began. While stopping for lunch I saw a lot of students celebrating their results with friends and family.
Last time that I was in Poland was some 15 years ago and I was impressed how the cities were improved. Nice villages with very nice, well maintained and clean market places....

Restored and well maintained Polish market square

Party crashing in Janow Lubelski with well dressed laywers
In another little village, Janow Lubelski, a drunk lawyer was interested in my "I love Belgium" T-shirt and invited me for vodka shots and later to his party.

The CrazyHungarianDriver meets the CrazyBelgiumBiker

I got again a strange email from my Hungarian friend Gabor who I met the first time in Russia on his motorbike some weeks ago....

"Hey Dirk, where are you now and what is your itinerary for the following 3 days, including the week-end.
Please sent me your planning and if there is any change, let me know...."

"What is this all about???? Is Gabor with the Hungarian secret service or what" I thought.

But no, Gabor is not. Instead, Gabor wanted to see me again and was willing to drive for this 1000km (back and forth)!
The CrazyHungarianDriver!!!!
After some emails and calls we decided: we will meet each other in Kielce.

And so it happened. We arrived almost at exact the same time. Gabor brought his wife with, Katalin, who studied and still speaks perfect French.

Together we went for dinner and had some nice time.

Katalin and Gabor came all the way to Kielce

The food was good, the company definitely too!!!!  

And the winner is.....MISS POLAND!

Miss Poland was already a nice dessert.

The other dessert was a delicious Brussels waffle which we bought in one of the street stands. 

In Hungary the woman are clearly the boss: Although Gabor wanted to stay, Katalin preferred to go back home the same night.....

The "emergency gift" from Katalin and Gabor
Gabor and Katalin also gave me a farewell "emergency" gift, including great Tokay wine (liquor....), the famous Hungarian Unicum (strong liquor...) and the chocolate with cherry (and......liquor!).

It was a short but nice visit. One thing is sure: we will see each other again and soon!

The place I stayed overnight was great. The reception lady, Sylwia, was one in a kind: upgrading my room, taking care for early breakfast and even washing and drying my clothes for free.

The well meant note to Sylwia
As she was working in the nightshift, I didn't see her in the morning but left again a well meant note!


Hotel "Ania-Luc"

In Gliwice, a city south of Poland, I have a friend, Luc, where I could stay (well...maybe I invited myself a little bit...).
Luc has a Polish wife, Ania and a son, Daniel.

The weather on the way to them, however, was terrible. A lot of rain. For the first time this trip I even used my rain clothes....

Don't know why Luc didn't recognize me at first....
We didn't see each other for almost 10 years but when we met again it was like yesterday.

That evening we went to a bar to see the Germany-Algeria soccer game.
As Luc needed to go to work the next day, we had a strict plan to take it easy and only drink a few beer.

A little party. as good customers we were...we even got a T-shirt
It turned out a little different: we managed the few beers but jumped into a lot of vodka shots. We came home after sunrise....Luc took a day off and I stayed 1 more day.

Przemek in the local bicycle store
That evening in the bar we met Przemek, a great guy working in a bicycle shop. He was willing to change my rear sprocket the next day.

Unfortunately he neither had the right key. But anyway, thank you for your time to try and to help searching.

Ania was the best: making delicious food, washed and dried some clothes.

Beside drinking some beers, Luc and me are sharing also another passion: flying. 
So, even still with a small hang-over from the evening before, we visited the local airfield.

Gliwice local airfield with the Yak-12M in background

After that, we did also a little sightseeing to visit the well known wooden tower, the second largest in the world.

The Gliwice wooden radio transmission tower
It is well know of his historical importance as in 1939, the German SS staged a "Polish attack", which was a provocation and later a justification to invade Poland and the begin of World War 2

That same evening it was even a little bit more Belgium in Poland as the Belgium soccer team was playing against USA in the 1/8 finals*.
We were like real supporters painted and dressed as Belgian flags:

WE love Belgium! And Luc....well, he was dressed as a Belgian flag.....

No jokes this time....but we made an agreement: Only drinking when the Belgium team scores.
But that was not a good idea as I got almost dehydrated: 90 minutes not one single goal.....

To help our national team finding the goal, we put a paper on the wall: "Score here", and it clearly helped!!!!!

 * Belgium won of course with 2-1

I really enjoyed the 2 days of stay with Ania, Luc and Daniel.

The little, cute Daniel. Time to say good-bye.

The next morning it was time to leave, heading to Czech Republic.
I am now close to the German border.....almost home!


  1. Goed om weer iets van je te lezen, Dirk, ik begon al ongerust te worden. Ongelooflijk dat je al 'bijna' thuis bent. Wel opvallend: pas in Europa en daar komen plots die feestjes! Geniet nog van de laatste loodjes.

  2. Hey Dirk, amai, wij zijn een weekje van weg geweest en jij zit al in Duitsland. Ik vermoed dat je er een record van zal maken om zo'n trip op zo'n tijd te realiseren. Probeer tussenin nog te genieten van de landen en de cultuur. Enig idee wanneer je in België zal arriveren? Kwestie dat het ontvangscomité er op tijd staat.
    De regen is hier natuurlijk minder. Maar dan heeft je regenpak toch voor iets gediend hé. Veel groetjes, Marleen en Co

  3. ik kan mij niet van de indruk ontdoen dat jij over uw laatste duizend km even lang gaat doen als over uw eerste tienduizend km...

  4. Hola Dirk..!!! Un gusto enorme volver a saber de ti eh estado siguiendo paso a paso tu maravillosa aventura que con mucha admiración y respeto me parece increíble y fantástica !!!! recibe un cordial saludo desde MÉXICO (San Juan de Los Lagos Jalisco) y espero que después de esto te puedas dar tiempo para hacer un Libro llamado " Un loco ciclista de Bélgica" Que con mucho gusto quisiera leer.. recibe un fuerte abrazo y que Dios te siga protegiendo..!! Saludos..!!
