
Where is he? There is he....


For the ones who wants to know where I am and how I did: I made another account that all of you can use.
It is better then Garmin Connect and not everyone needs to make their own account.
It's simple and nice, specially the heatmaps!

How does it works?

Step 1: Go to www.strava.com
Step 2: Go to LOG IN (right upper corner)
Step 3: Log in with:
Step 4: click Log In

On the activity feed, you can see each individual ride I did.
If you go to Heatmaps (last tab) and then click on view, then you can see where I am and which track I did so far.

  1. Please only select VIEW, as I will regularly update the maps myself
  2. As you can see, the first 1000 km. is not shown. This because I deleted already these trips in my GPS before making this special account. I will try to retrieve later.

Voila, that's it. I hope it works for you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dirk, Hartmut is not amuzed! You forgot to upload your rides to the LOL and the Charron. Incident report !

    Beware, as you are not only monitored by the Chinese intelligence but also by our webmaster.

    Chapeau and keep it safe.


    PS Daisy Dare is still missing. The last wittness is JD3, who spotted her when she was fleeding on a bike. Later on we were tipped that she misleaded customs and border control by travelling in a bikers luggage to Bejing. According to the latest signals from the GPS Chip that JB installed during her last maintenance, she's travelling now somewhere in Mongolia. Jörg is desperate an would appreciate highly your assistance in this matter.
